With the year coming to an end, we at Bayberry Meadow Herbs, wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year. We are looking forward to a very busy year, with some changes that include making different handmade soaps and will no longer carry others. To make things easier, our soap and body product etsy shop with merge with our herb/tea shop, to make shopping much easier. This will give you the chance to combine different products that contain similar ingredients to enjoy. For example, our awesome French Blend tea (which contains lavender) for drinking and Lavender soap to help your relax as it moisturizes your skin. We are excited about incorporating some of our sea salts in our soap and sugar/salt scrubs, that should be ready for the spring season. Just think, our re-enactment season will begin before we know it, herbs/plants will grace us with their presence and harvest will begin.
Cheers to all,
Bayberry Meadow Herbs