We have ventured into some different events that included going to Fort Niagara in upstate New York and was a vendor several times at the Coventry/Meriden Farmers' Markets. There were also a couple of food sampling events that allowed us to see how we can expand in our herbal blends. We have a deli shop that is using one of our blends in their signature tuna salad and there will be another eatery looking to see what they can use for their signature fries.
Our tea colonial selection have been making their appearance, as we continue to educate the public on the historical backgrounds that go back several hundred plus years back. Some are very similar to what was thrown into the Boston Harbor during the 18th century. Its amazing how they knew then, that tea can keep the body healthy.
Our handmade herbal soaps continue to grow. We have been working with some different herbal essential oils, not only for scent, but how to help improve the skin. Our feedbacks keep us tweaking certain soaps, until we are happy with the results. Our salves have kept us busy through the poison ivy season and the Bug-Away-Camp soap during our re-enactment season.
Herbal Garden at Fort Niagara, Youngstown, New York
But most of all, the friends/customers that believe in us, that keep us going and thinking of what's next, as we continue to evolve with the times. Thank-you for being there!!!!!!
May the New Year bring you many blessings,